Knoxville, TN House Painters
Your Dream Home, A Coat Of Paint Away
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Why RM & Sons Painting?
Over 15 Years of Experience as Painters in Knoxville, TN
Quality Material
RM & Sons uses only quality paint from trusted brands.
RM & Sons is fully insured to take on any painting project of any size.
We make it our mission to be there for you when you need us most!
We are transparent with our projects, keeping you updated when needed.
Trained Pros
Our experienced painters are trained to take on painting projects of any size.
2- Year Warranty
Our 2- Year warranty guarantees customer satisfaction.
3 Step Home Painting Process
Hassle Free. Great Results
Schedule It.
Book an estimate with our painting professionals to find the best solution to your project.
Paint It.
Sit back and relax as our crew takes care of your project.
Love It.
Sit back and relax as our crew takes care of your project. Ony
Interior Residential Painting
As home painters, our mission at RM & Sons Painting is to provide the best residential painting services possible, with attention to detail in every project, and great customer service.
- Room Painting
- Cabinet Painting
- Cabin Staining
- Trim Painting
- Wall Painting
- Cabin Staining
Exterior Residential Painting
As home painters, our mission at RM & Sons Painting is to provide the best residential painting services possible, with attention to detail in every project, and great customer service.
- Sidinf Painting
- Brick Painting
- Stucco Painting
- Deck Staining
- Fence Staining
- Lime Wash Brick
Need A Free Estimate?
Schedule a free consultation with an RM & Sons Painting professional to find the right painting cost for your project. Book Online or Call Now